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Book Review-A Grief Observed

Loss and grief spare no one.  When loss cast a long shadow across the literary giant C.S. Lewis’ door, he wrote about it.  A Grief Observed is the collection of thoughts after the loss of his wife.  It’s an unfiltered account of his feelings, and the thoughts that troubled him are cataloged while he was working his way through the grief.


C.S. Lewis was – because of his great intellect – very isolated.  Sure, he had his Inklings literary group with J. R. R. Tolkien, but according to his stepson, he struggled to relate to much of mankind.  His comments were not a criticism but rather a recognition of the struggles of the man he called “Jack” (for no reason made clear by the introduction).

However, Lewis’ isolation is only one aspect of the isolation that permeates the book.  The other form of isolation is the expectation that “British boys don’t cry,” separating them from their emotions.  While Lewis was more in touch with his feelings than most, there’s still this eerie sense that the struggle to find, name, accept, and process emotions was difficult for Lewis and the others with whom he associated.

Thinking About Endless Grief

“I not only live each endless day in grief, but live each day thinking about living each day in grief.”  This sad statement encompasses hopelessness.  Grief may remain for a lifetime, but it will change and, in some ways, get better.  However, in the depths of despair, when hope has gone away to a far away land, it’s hard to believe that the pain of today will be any less tomorrow, or the day after.  Instead of seeing the natural ebb and flow of life, we become fixated on our momentary pain and sit mourning without sense of recovery.

Like anything gradual, it’s hard to see change.  It’s hard to see moments that happiness peeks through the pain like flowers emerging in the spring.  Slowly, not all at once, grief is transformed.  When you are able to look at grief across a period of time, you begin to see and understand that it’s not the same grief you initially felt.  Lewis’ writing allowed him and now allows us the opportunity to see the gradual turning of grief as it becomes less painful and more reverent to those we’ve lost.

An Embarrassment

“An odd byproduct of my loss is that I’m aware of being an embarrassment to everyone I meet.”  The man Lewis was couldn’t escape the boy he had been nor the cultural expectations of the time.  No man could possibly hide the excruciating pain of the loss of a spouse, and he saw his failure to hide his emotions as an embarrassment.

We know today that the loss of a significant person in our life requires our brain to literally rewire itself.  Over time, we begin to separate aspects of our total experience so that one person does some functions and other people do other functions.  Everyone needs to do things like eat and take care of themselves, but they often reduce their capacity for cooking or other duties as the other person picks them up.  We naturally allow people to become experts in areas, while we mostly ignore them as a part of our optimization.

However, the death of a spouse means that we are severed from those parts of our shared thinking that, though external to us, we’ve come to depend upon.  It’s as if we’ve lost a part of ourselves – and we have.  We wouldn’t admonish someone whose physical pain involuntarily caused tears in their eyes as we do with those who grieve at an emotional loss.

Loss of Past

One of the odd things that happens is that people become severed from their past as well as their present and future.  It makes no sense that the loss of someone would create a tear in the past, but it does.  Suddenly, the places that you loved to visit together lose their luster.  There’s the twinge of pain as you feel the loss more prominently.  It makes you doubt that you were ever happy there.  How could this be a place of joy when I feel so bad now?

This doubt is even more pervasive as it challenges you about the very nature of reality.  Was what you believed was your history even real or was it a fantasy that you conjured up in your mind.  How is someone to know?


Navigating through the waters of grief, it’s important to hold on to the memories and not let the waves of doubt erase them in a blind attempt to ease the pain.  We must cherish the times that we had with those we’ve lost as a testimony to their life and to our commitment to continue their light in the world.  If you’re navigating through grief, the pictures, recordings, and creations of the loved one are precious.  In the end, it allows A Grief Observed to be a grief shared – and that makes it lighter.

Book Review-The Grieving Brain: The Surprising Science of How We Learn from Love and Loss

Often, it’s described as a brain fog.  It’s the inability to think after the loss of a loved one.  It feels like you’ve got to make so many decisions, yet your ability to make them is compromised at best.  The worst part is you don’t know how impacted you are or how long it will last.  That’s why The Grieving Brain: The Surprising Science of How We Learn from Love and Loss is so important.  It’s a map of the territory that begins at our loss and continues throughout our lives as we learn to navigate in the absence of our loved one.

Life Map Navigation

Without knowing it, we all use a “map” to navigate our lives.  The map is the predictions we have of what will happen.  (See Mindreading for more on the role of prediction in our lives, and Superforecasting for more on how we do it best.)  It is knowing what we’ll take care of and what will be taken care of for us.  It’s the things we can count on and those we can’t.  (See Trust => Vulnerability => Intimacy, Revisited for more about our relationship with trust and other people.)  When we lose someone close to us, that map no longer makes sense.  (See High Orbit – Respecting Grieving for more about what “close” means.)

Gary Klein, in Sources of Power, explains that we’re always making models in our heads.  These models unconsciously guide the way we respond.  The removal of someone close in our lives radically alters the way that things work, which takes time to adapt to.  We literally must reevaluate every assumption – and get reminded about the thousand or more things that we took for granted because that person was there.

Tethered to Them

We’ve all talked with people who are constantly reminded of their loved one.  Whether it’s the home, bed, car, or restaurant that they loved together, the reminders come in big and small ways – and they’re never ending.  Two things shift over time.  First, the degree to which the reminders are recognized decreases.  As we habituate to the experiences without our loved one, we are generally triggered to be aware of their absence less often.

Second, their loss becomes more accepted.  We begin to rewire around the idea that they’re not present and won’t be present, so we stop being so intensely aware of their absence.  I say this with care, because I don’t want anyone to believe that grief is ever done or that it goes away – it’s just that it changes.

Another more subtle transformation is that we stop focusing exclusively on the loss and can begin to accept the positive memories of the times that we did have with them.

Psychological Distance

The same parts of our brain that compute distance across space and time seem to also compute the relational distance between us and others.  We collectively use this mechanism to predict whether someone will be there for us.  The further away in space, time, or relationship, the less likely we believe they will be there when we need them.  We equate separation – and therefore loneliness – using the same framework.  (See Loneliness for more about loneliness.)  It might be said that the brain encodes distance in here, now, and close.

Not Accepting Gone

Many people who have lost their loved one acknowledge a state that is both knowing they’re gone and feeling like they’re not at the same time.  It’s not surprising, as memories are encoded differently in different parts of our brain.  We can intellectually know something – and still emotionally struggle with it.  There’s an added complication: we’re wired through evolution to consider the possibility that our loved one will return.

There’s an advantage to protecting our children and our families if we expect that our loved ones will return.  We’ll be willing and able to invest more resources in ensuring that the children are okay.  In evolutionary terms, people often went off, and their return was uncertain.  We’d never know if they left us or were injured or killed.  While most losses today are certain, those losses which involve an ambiguous return are those that are the most challenging.

Cooking a Memory

It would be convenient if our memory was a perfect representation of the past.  It would be great if we could find our way to any bit of our history and faithfully play back our experience.  Unfortunately, that’s simply not the case.  We see many places where our brain automatically fills in the gaps in ways that hide our ability to recognize that it has done it.  (See Incognito for a visual representation of this and Thinking, Fast and Slow for Kahneman’s explanation of System 1 to System 2 handoff.)  Memories are stored in different parts of our brain and are reassembled on recall.  Like a chef fetching pieces from different places, our brain reassembles an approximation of the events.

The most challenging aspect of this process is that the “recalled” memory is more like recreated, and it’s done with elements of the current context rather than the original context.  When we’re depressed, we’ll recreate the memory with more negative elements.  This can lead to a reinforcing loop that can be very problematic.  (See Capture for more.)

The Griever’s Journey

Kubler-Ross’ description of grief has been criticized for being overly simplistic and linear (particularly in The Grief Recovery Handbook).  The Grieving Brain calls it an “old outdated” model.  Make no mistake, it’s not perfect; however, I believe George Box, a statistician, who said, “All models are wrong, but some are useful.”  O’Conner believes that the popularity of the model is due to is similarity to the monomyth that Joseph Campbell called the hero’s journey.  (See The Hero with a Thousand Faces.)  In a follow up email conversation with O’Conner, she was able to provide the research that supports these statements.

The reference to Joseph Campbell’s hero’s journey is a direct assertion made by the research – but that assertion is made in a very loose way with no attempt to map Kubler-Ross’ model to the monomyth.  The assertion that the model is outdated is proposed by some of the backing research.  In particular, the references are to other models – which O’Conner explains in the book.  However, where Kubler-Ross’ model is something that people can identify with, and it provides a framework for what to work on, the other models are largely descriptive.

Loss and Restoration

The one model that’s interesting – though still difficult to execute on – is focused on the oscillation that happens.  In grief, people spend some time on loss.  They spend some time on restoration.  These are natural oscillations.  Sometimes, those grieving are focused on the loss and what will not ever come to be.  Other times, they’re focused on how to make their situation better.  “Better” may mean the mechanics of life, or it may be a proactive approach to try to prevent others from feeling the loss they’ve felt.

What’s important is the recognition that this oscillation is healthy.  There’s no clear indication when – or if – this oscillation will end.


Perhaps the one key word in The Grieving Brain is ”yearning.”  It’s the desire to be with the person whom they’ve lost.  It’s a preoccupation with the idea of what might be happening if they were here.  Yearning naturally fades over time.  While you always will miss the person who’s gone, the deep-felt longing or yearning is transformed over time.


Compounding the loss of a person close to you is that the person whom you’d turn to for support is the very person whom you can never talk with again.  You can certainly talk to them, but they’re not going to respond with a caring word or a gentle touch.  Loneliness explains the challenges with experiencing loneliness – and they’re not good.  It’s one of the most challenging experiences that someone can have.

Complicating this loss of someone close is the tendency for other, more distant, friends, relatives, and colleagues to take a step back.  Some will argue that this is to create space for the person.  For others, it’s clear that they’re not comfortable with the topic of death, and as a result, they retreat to protect themselves.  (See The Worm at the Core and The Denial of Death for more.)

Positive Emotional Toolkit

There’s a misconception about the need for someone who is grieving to stay in a sad, depressed state eternally.  Sometimes, there’s a focus on working through the grief.  However, this often undermines the need for positive experiences.  A good strategy is to create positive experiences – and to work through the feelings of guilt or inappropriateness that may accompany these experiences.  The loved one you lost undoubtedly wouldn’t want you to be sad and depressed forever, but sometimes we believe that finding joy isn’t appropriate.

More than appropriate, it’s practically required.  So, it’s a good idea to build yourself a positive emotional toolkit.

Good – Then and Now

Grief changes the rules of the game.  Things will never be the same again – however, that doesn’t mean that they can’t be good again.  They’ll just be good differently.  We can say that things were good then, before the loss – and they’re good now, despite the loss.  The truth is that we don’t have to stay in The Grieving Brain forever.  Sometimes the right answer is to accept that today – or at least tomorrow – can be good, too.

Book Review-Professional Burn-Out

I was giddy.  It was a book published in 1977.  Professional Burn-Out wasn’t that big, but it was a book that predated Freudenberger’s Burn-Out book, which was published in 1980.  It still cited his journal articles on the topic – but very few people would even know about this book.  I have to credit The Burnout Challenge for directing me to it.  In the irony of ironies, it further discredits the premises in The Burnout Challenge.


Rarely do I share outlines more or less directly from a book – but here, the outline shines light on the idea of burnout and its factors.  It starts with looking at personal and professional factors for burnout:

  • Personal Sources of Burnout
    • Not Setting Limits (see Boundaries)
    • Not Paying Attention to Our Own Needs and Limits
    • Not Communicating Our Feelings
    • Isolating Ourselves Physically and Psychologically (see Loneliness and Acedia & Me)
    • Political Nature of Work
    • Powerlessness (see The Hope Circuit)
    • Ignoring Positive Attention from Others
    • Lack of Professional Identity
    • Becoming Overinvolved
    • Professional Survival Skills
    • Inability to Live with “Gray Areas” of Life
  • Organizational Sources of Burnout
    • Not Including Staff in Policy Making Procedures (see Reinventing Organizations)
    • Lack of Structure that Allows People to Share Strong Positive and Negative Feelings (see The Fearless Organization)
    • Lack of Positive Feedback
    • Lack of Ability to Personalize Workspace
    • Not Sharing Wants and Needs and Not Encouraging Others to Do the Same (see Radical Candor)
    • Lack of Adequate Supervision
    • Dead-End Jobs
    • Lack of Skill-based Training
    • Few External Rewards
    • Limited Vacation Time
    • High Client/Staff Ratio

What’s key here is that many of these same concepts have shown up in other work since publication – and many of these are directly addressed by our bathtub model as explained in Extinguish Burnout.

Three Degrees

Professional Burn-Out proposes that there are three levels of burnout:

  • First: Signs and symptoms are experienced mildly and occasionally.
  • Second: Signs and symptoms are more persistent and difficult to move out of.
  • Third: Signs and symptoms are continuous. Psychological problems begin to accompany the signs of burnout.

Signs and Symptoms

The list of signs and symptoms at a personal level include:

  • Fatigue – This label to what is commonly called exhaustion today.
  • Worry – This also includes an inability to separate work from the rest of our lives.
  • Inability to make decisions – This is commonly seen when someone is overwhelmed. (See The Organized Mind.)
  • Guilt – Here, there’s a sense that the work that is being done isn’t of high enough quality. Today, this is often called inefficacy.  We’re guilty, because we don’t feel effective enough.  (See I Thought It was Just Me (But It Isn’t) for more on guilt.)
  • Physical symptoms – Often, our minds impact our bodies. We continue to find that our physical symptoms are driven by our minds.  (See Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers for more.)
  • Alienation – We see that we’re disconnecting from friends. This leads to feelings of Loneliness.
  • Criticism/Griping – Today, we generally call this cynicism. Cynicism is the result of our feelings of inefficacy.  (If you want more about an appropriate level of happiness, see Bright-Sided.)
  • Anger/Resentment – Also known as being “snappy”. (See A Force for Good for more about how to work on anger.)
  • Accident proneness – Another sign of cognitive exhaustion associated with high levels of stress, people may start bumping into walls. (See The Rise of Superman about chemical exhaustion in the brain.)

At an organizational level, we’ve seen an increased awareness of the problems of engagement, which closely track what we see at an individual level as burnout.  Gallup has routinely demonstrated that about one-third of people are engaged, one-third are neutral, and one-third are actively disengaged.  The reported symptoms are:

  • Increased absenteeism
  • Low level enthusiasm
  • Quality of service declines
  • Lack of focus
  • High level of complaints
  • Lack of communication
  • Lack of acknowledgement of “strokes”
  • Lack of openness to new ideas

Strategies for Dealing with Burnout

The book continues with a list of strategies for dealing with burnout, both personally and organizationally.

The personal strategies are:

  • Awareness
  • Contact
  • Peer professional
  • Work under good supervision
  • Personal skill building
  • Carving out professional time
  • Help without rescuing
  • Personal work contract
  • Dealing with one’s own unfinished business
  • Work with someone you like
  • Learning to relax without having to work hard at it
  • Regular exercise
  • Nutrition
  • Learning and using assertive skills
  • Making a want list
  • Be creative with anger
  • Take time and space for yourself

Organizational strategies are:

  • Encourage staff to express feelings
  • Support/Encourage and reward risk taking
  • Provide ongoing supervision
  • Encourage sharing of needs and wants
  • Invite staff to participate in policy and decision making
  • Train staff in burnout
  • Train supervisory staff in burnout

These approaches are not fundamentally different today than back then – even if few people are able to do all of them.  Perhaps that’s why Professional Burn-Out remains a problem today.

Book Review-The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters

Humans have gathered since our first dawn as a species.  We did so to share our resources and to protect one another.  We’re better together than we are alone, and it’s this togetherness that has allowed us to become successful.  However, because we’re so used to being together, we hardly give gathering a thought.  Occasionally, when we think about gathering a few more people than normal or people who don’t know each other, we’ll ponder it a bit, but it’s more accidental than intentional.  In The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters, Priya Parker explains that if we want to have successful gatherings, we need to put a bit of thought into it.

Go Further

There’s an old African proverb (the specific source of which can’t be traced) that says, “If you want to go faster, go alone.  If you want to go further, go together.”  It’s at the heart of why we gather.  It’s not faster.  It allows us to reach further heights.  Of course, there are a number of enabling conditions that must be just right for this to take place – but without the initial “together,” we can’t get there.

Conditions might include those that Kantor proposes in Reading the Room, those from William Isaacs’ work Dialogue, or the psychological safety proposed by Amy Edmondson in The Fearless Organization.  Efficacy may be found best using Scott Page’s approach in The Difference or Richard Hackman’s guidance in Collaborative Intelligence.

One of the most striking ways that people were brought together was in Florence, Italy, when the Medici family gathered people with different skills and interests and allowed them to work and interact with one another.  (See The Medici Effect for more.)  Their efforts to bring people together kicked off the Renaissance period.  We discovered that there were ways of teaming up and sharing that were effective at driving creativity and productivity.  (See Team Genius for more.)

Finding Purpose

Organizations which were once plagued by ineffective meetings and who have now encountered an enlightened leader require that meetings have agendas.  The agenda spells out why people are gathering, what the desired outcome is, and which items will lead to the desired outcome – at least, good agendas do this.  “Wasteful meetings” is a common disdain that comes from both internal and external large corporate surveys.  Too much time is wasted in meetings where there is no objective or agenda.  People meet because they believe they’re supposed to meet rather than to get something specific done – or to coordinate on a specific project.

Simon Sinek in Start with Why encourages us to find the purpose before everything else.  Steven Covey describes it as “first things first” in The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.

The Law of Numbers

The size of the group matters.  Small groups of around six offer intimacy.  Groups of 12 can build trust – and some intimacy.  Groups of 30 start to create buzz and electricity.  Groups of 150 are about the limit to the number of people that can feel like a single group.  These numbers are consistent with Robin Dunbar’s research.  (See High Orbit – Respecting Grieving.)

When planning a gathering, planning for the number of people is key to designing for the purpose of the gathering.  While you may want to invite more people, sometimes those additional people can disturb the goal.

Venue Vectors

Venues come with scripts, patterns that tend to play out over and over.  They’re expected, and that expectation drives more of the same.  Sometimes, the patterns are so ingrained that we don’t even see they’re happening.  Meet at a college, and people will expect to be lectured to – rather than engaging in a discussion.  Meet in a library, and people will expect to stay quiet.  (See The Public Library for more on library culture.)  The coffee shop implies a casual meeting rather than one with a drive through an aggressive agenda.

When you pick the venue, you’re necessarily shaping how the interactions will happen.  More than just the traffic flows and the catering options, venues veer us towards or away from our purpose.

Don’t Leave Me Alone

As the host of the gathering, there’s a tension between over-controlling the event and failing to let things spontaneously emerge and under controlling the event and leaving the participants to fend for themselves.  (See On Dialogue for emergence.)  There’s the idea that, if you don’t structure the time, people will be left to themselves.  The truer response is that they’ll be left to the mercy of the other participants – and that can have some embarrassing results.

Parker recounts an event where too much freedom was given to participants, and despite the small talk, they had managed to not get introduced to one another – and, as a result, the conversation was strained.

Social Contracts

All gatherings are social contracts.  People give up something – most notably, their precious time – and they want to know what they’ll get for it.  Sometimes, it’s the opportunity to meet someone new, hold interesting discussions, or have a new experience.  However, there’s always some implicit contract about what they’re giving and what they’ll be getting – or, at least, what they might get.  After all, in most situations when we attend a gathering, we don’t know for sure what we will get.  We get a raffle ticket and hope that our number is picked for a prize.

Failure to articulate the value proposition – or potential value proposition – for the group is a surefire way to have people fail to accept the invitation and fail to show.  With group dynamics being what they are, there’s no telling what not having the right – or enough – people may do to your gathering.

Strange Confessions

Sometimes, the groups that come together can share honestly because they don’t know each other – not despite their lack of relationship.  Sometimes, the things that people must share are too heavy to be borne inside of a long-term, caring relationship.  They must first be tested in the waters with relative strangers to provide comfort that they may be shared with closer relationships without fear of recrimination.  The strange thing about the group in which these things are shared is that they invariably end up feeling like sacred spaces.  People bond and connect quickly – even if those bonds turn out to be fleeting.

Hot or Cold

For most people, the conflict in a new group is anxiety producing.  Most people are conflict avoidant, and the sometimes candid and direct feedback that evolves between two or more participants in a meeting can make others duck and cover.  Clearly, this doesn’t allow everyone to bring their best selves.  On the other extreme, there’s the problem of groups who are too conflict avoidant, and the conflicts that the group needs to have never happen.  As a result, the group gets stuck being nice and getting nothing done.  Even in gatherings, we need to consider how the group dynamics are playing out, which conflicts need to happen to get out in the open, and which conflicts can be safely avoided because they can’t serve any purpose.  (See Radical Candor for more.)

Turning an End into a Closing

Kahneman explains how the Peak-End rule guides what we think of events.  (See Thinking, Fast and Slow.)  His research showed that the ending of any experience mattered more than it should.  While endings are often left to chance, they need to be an integral part of your planning.  Parker suggests that you not end with thank yous – those can be second to last.  Instead, end with the thing that you want people to most remember or experience.  If you do it just right, you may find that everyone has a powerful and moving experience in The Art of Gathering.

Book Review-The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything

Like most people I know, I’ve not found that “one” thing that my world revolves around.  I’ve found passing interests and desires, but no central theme has emerged.  The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything is a series of stories designed to lead people to the discovery of that one thing.  Of course, this is not the only or even first book to guide readers towards finding their passion.  The ONE Thing is another example.  Unlike it though, The Element’s approach isn’t a systematic decomposition of life and its facets; instead, Ken Robinson and Lou Aronica lead us down the winding path of others who’ve found their calling.  It should be cautioned that all paths are winding – as was made clear in Extreme Productivity – and that not all winding paths lead to the desired destination.

Losing Touch

One of the key observations is that we start life with passions and little skill.  We finger paint and read the responses of the adults in the room.  From this we decide, unconsciously, whether this is something we’re good at or not.  Judith Rich Harris explains the subtle bending process in No Two Alike, where small differences in responses can send us down one road or another.  In Creative Confidence, Tom and David Kelley explain how they believe sometimes our creativity is stamped out of us by education and the process of growing up.

The consensus is that we’re often born with an innate sense for the things that we can do, and these are whittled down over time.  This is consistent with the neural pruning that happens within the first few years of life.  We start with more than we need, and then we whittle that down into what we think we’ll use.


Measuring performance is something that can – and often does – lead to improved performance.  The advent of statistical process control and continuous improvement have been a boon to manufacturing over the last half-century.  We’ve learned how to be more efficient – and, occasionally, more effective.  The two are not the same regardless of how similar they appear in the English language.  Efficient is doing things with less waste and more output.  Effective is doing the right things.

Manufacturing principles have been applied to other industries, including healthcare and education, and the results are mixed.  In education, we’ve standardized such that the things we measure – standardized tests – have become all we work for.  When teachers are measured on math and literature, art isn’t as important.  Nor do sports bubble to the top.  (See It’s How We Play the Game for another perspective on the importance of sports.)  The result is what Deming predicted: you get what you measure.

There’s an old Dilbert cartoon where Dilbert and Wally receive news that there will henceforth be a bounty for each defect found.  Five dollars for each one.  In the next frame, Wally comments that he’s off to “Code myself a minivan.”  This, of course, implies he’s going to intentionally create defects he can later find and resolve.  The system would be perverted by a malicious actor.  No such malintent exists when a teacher tries to save their job and their school by finding ways to improve results on standardized tests – irrespective of whether students will learn to live life better or discover their talents.

It’s not that standardized testing is bad or that we shouldn’t do it – it’s that there are negative impacts to be considered.  One of those is that we may be squashing out people’s natural talents to fit the test.  Howard Gardner in Changing Minds explains that not all intelligence works the same way or fits into the narrowly-defined limits of most standardized testing.

In The Years That Matter Most, Paul Tough explains how the SAT and ACT standardized tests for college entrance are hopelessly flawed at predicting success or identifying intelligence beyond the narrow frame of academia.

Prepare to Be Wrong

There are two dimensions of wrongness.  The first is the heart of the learning process itself.  We make mistakes, learn from them, and do something different the next time.  The other level is how the world will respond to originality, how the systems will attempt to reject something that isn’t the familiar status quo.  (See Originals.)  Systems need to protect themselves from entropy, and as a result, they have a tendency to stamp down anything that doesn’t fit the mold.  The problem with this is that, sometimes, the systems aren’t designed in ways that people can learn and grow into their Element.

This all means that the systems are set up to prevent you from finding your Element.  You’ll need to be diligent if you’re going to find what should be truly yours.  In Work Redesign, we learned about Ralph, who, after years of being beaten down by the system, couldn’t be reengaged to take on more work, responsibility, risk, and opportunity.  That happens to us all – unless we can persevere in our being wrong in the world’s eyes.  (See Willpower and Grit for how to do that.)

Seek Encouragement

Some people, as Liz Wiseman points out in Multipliers, can encourage people to do more and better than they can do on their own.  One of the most challenging things about finding your Element may be finding the people who will continue to support and encourage you along the way.  Like Sherpas who know the path, mentors and other encouraging people can help you recognize that you can find yourself.  Much of The Element is about getting parasocial encouragement knowing that many others struggled to find themselves but succeeded.  The book ends with several people who didn’t find their Element until the second half of their life.  The path to find their Element was long and winding yet ultimately rewarding.

“Think Different”

It’s an old Apple slogan, but it’s also a recipe for better results.  Scott Page in The Difference explains how different perspectives make for better teams.  The difference in perspectives, experiences, and upbringings allow the room to see multiple sides of the situation and thereby consider options and approaches that simply wouldn’t be possible with a single person.  It’s the way that we can get to better outcomes – not necessarily quicker outcomes.

If you follow the path of conformity, you’ll never find your Element.  It requires unwavering consistency to search.  It will be in the last place you look for it.  If you’re persistent and perhaps a little bit lucky, you’ll just find The Element.

Book Review-In an Unspoken Voice: How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness

Trauma is – in more ways than one – that unspoken voice.  In an Unspoken Voice: How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness is what Gabor Mate describes (in the intro) as Peter Levine’s magnum opus.  Gabor Mate is no stranger to trauma work, having written several books, including The Myth of NormalIn an Unspoken Voice isn’t Levine’s most popular work – that’s Waking the Tiger.  Trauma, Levine writes, is a fact of life.  He continues with, “It does not, however, have to be a life sentence.”  Said differently, we are all traumatized by things that happen in our lives, but we don’t need to remain in the trauma.  We can enable our minds to integrate and find meaning from the trauma and allow our bodies to release it.


The idea that our bodies would release trauma is consistent with Bessel van der Kolk’s work in The Body Keeps the Score.  There are ways that our biology reacts to, and in some ways holds on to, trauma.  Robert Sapolsky in Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers demonstrates that, in animals, stress does have a physiological response, and this psychological response can activate different genes.

Several decades ago, genetics were all the rage.  The thinking went that the genes were the blueprints of the body, and thereby they dictated who you would become.  It was like a great clock was set in motion.  Great work has been done to develop a map of the human genome – and to interpret the signposts in the form of genes.  However, as we’ve learned more, we’ve realized that the blueprints are subject to modification by the environment.  Epigenetics is the study of how our genes are activated – or not – based on our environment.  In identical twin studies, we still find a striking amount of differences (and spooky similarities).  In The Nurture Assumption and No Two Alike, Judith Rich Harris explains how it is possible for twins with identical genetics to end up so different.  Small differences matter.

In The Rise of Superman, Steven Kotler explains how people do seemingly superhuman feats.  The answer is that they continue to make small, incremental changes over a long period of time.  It’s the same thing that Anders Ericsson explains in Peak – purposeful practice and attempts to improve may only make small changes every day, but over time, these changes matter.  Einstein said that “compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world.”  It’s that compounding of skills that pulls people apart.  Someone randomly tries an activity and likes it.  From there, they invest more in growing in that direction.  Add a few decades, and you see radically different people.

With trauma, the arc is bent differently.  But those genetics that are enabled can be disabled.  The weight of trauma can be discharged by the body, and people can move forward – if they’re taught how.

Defining Trauma

The real challenge with trauma isn’t in the external circumstances that have been foisted upon us.  The real challenge is how we react to those circumstances.  Being traumatized is about the times when the events are happening – but trauma lingers after the event.  In the normative case, trauma results in a healing process.  When the body and mind’s response are effective, it can lead to post-traumatic growth.  (See Transformed by Trauma for more.)  It’s the same as Nassim Nicholas Taleb explains in Antifragile.  We need stressors to become stronger – but they need to be of magnitudes and timing that we can leverage to our advantage.

When we can’t integrate the traumatic experience into our experiences and beliefs about the world, we encounter post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).  (See Trauma and Recovery for more.)  All trauma involves loss and often disrupts our beliefs.  We have to deal with both.

The Battlefield of the Mind

We tend to conceptualize our minds as a single consciousness that operates as a concerted whole.  However, our brain evolved over time in periods that have led to a conceptualization of a triune brain – three parts.  The most vivid analogy is Jonathan Haidt’s Elephant-Rider-Path model, which places a small rational (conscious) rider, on top of an emotional elephant, walking down a default (and easy) path.  (See The Happiness Hypothesis and Switch for more.)  While not completely analogous to our understanding of the brain’s evolution, it highlights the gap between emotions and reason – and helps us to understand that earlier parts of our evolution will win when there’s a battle in our mind.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge the truth that we overlook the neurons that exist outside of our brains.  There is much to be learned and understood about how the nerves in our guts are connected to and influence our thoughts.  However, the research and consistency are much weaker here.  (See The Heartmath Solution for a bit of this.)

The challenge, as Levine puts it, is when lower-level parts of our brain are telling us to run, and the higher-order parts are pushing for us to be restrained – or any variation where different aspects of our brain disagree.  The result is a battlefield of conflict that can be as traumatic as the circumstances themselves.

Fight, Flight, or Freeze

At the most basic level, the reptilian parts of our brain seek to decide whether a stressor should cause us to fight, run away, or freeze.  We fight when we believe we’re stronger and the injuries we sustain will be minor.  We flee when we believe that we’re weaker or will sustain too many injuries.  Freezing doesn’t seem to make much sense on the surface.  Why would we give up and just “let whatever happen”?  The answer is layered.

At the first layer, our brains and animal brains are wired to detect motion.  (See Incognito and The Tell-Tale Brain for more.)  If we freeze, it’s possible that the stressor – predator – may not even discover we’re here.  Thus, there will be no conflict.

The second layer is that we may believe we’ll ultimately be harmed less if we don’t fight or flee.  Consider the mouse that is being played with by the cat who goes limp as the cat loses interest.  The mouse can run away when the cat is no longer focused.  Clearly this is a risky gambit – but one that may be advantageous at times.

Largely to support the first layer, evolution has supplied a strategy – tonic immobility.  It’s a mechanism whereby motor impulses are suppressed, and the animal becomes motionless.  What’s important, in Levine’s view, is that at the termination of this process, it’s necessary for animals – including humans – to shake off the excess energy that they’ve held back.  He believes that without the discharge of this energy, people will become stuck.  Perhaps at some level, the body never fully releases the tonic immobility and remains, in some ways, frozen.

Fundamentals of Fear

Richard Lazarus explains how we come to fear – and what we can do about it – in Emotion and Adaptation.  He separates the stressor from the stress consistent with our fight, flight, or freeze response.  He suggests that, for every stressor, we evaluate the probability of a negative outcome and its impact, and we dampen this with our perception of our coping capabilities.  This is consistent with and extends the concept, because he recognizes that, between the stressor and the response, we can choose our response.  Daniel Kahneman in Thinking, Fast and Slow says that System 1 (lower-level thinking) can choose to engage System 2 (rational thought) or not.  In the best case scenario, our thinking is integrated to the point that our emotional, reptilian, responses trust the neocortex and want to engage these resources for assistance when problems are too novel.

The point here isn’t to criticize historic responses that may not have engaged higher-order thinking.  Rather, the point is that it’s possible – and that possibility exists even in the post-processing of an event.  It is, in fact, one of the key ways that we can learn to process trauma better.  We use our neocortex to downregulate the emotional response.

Cage the Elephant

Many well-intended people suggest that trauma be directly confronted.  Effectively, they’re picking a fight with an elephant.  If you’re in a sailboat, and you need to go to a point that’s directly into the wind, you can’t point your boat in that direction and hope that things work out.  Sailboats tack into the wind, moving closer and closer – but never directly challenging the wind.  Similarly, when we’re trying to help others address trauma, it’s almost never effective to try to address the traumatic experience and tell them to just “accept it,” “suck it up,” or “it wasn’t that bad.”

Rather than enter into a direct confrontation with our feelings, a different tack is to listen to them.  To seek to understand them.  To be curious about their origins.  Once we’ve made peace with what we feel – and the reasons why we feel it – we can slowly shift our thinking from confrontation to cooperation.  The reasons driving the emotion don’t have to be right.  They just must be acknowledged for their perception.

While our emotions are subject to influence from the neocortex, the degree to which we can influence them is complicated.

Medial Prefrontal Cortex Dampening

The amygdala is the core of our immediate, reptilian, responses.  It’s the driver of emotions, including fear.  It’s subject to the influence of the medial prefrontal cortex.  In short, we can talk ourselves out of being so afraid, but only if the medial prefrontal cortex and the amygdala have a functioning relationship.

The tricky part of this relationship is that a fear response necessarily focuses resources.  As Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers explains, digestion, immune response, and reproduction are all substantially turned down to save energy for fighting or fleeing in the face of stress.  The same can be said of the brain.  Fear can change which portions of the brain are given the oxygen and glucose they need to do their job.  In short, a spike of fear can shut down the medial prefrontal cortex before it can respond.

Luckily, this can be trained.  There’s enough oxygen and glucose available ambiently for the medial prefrontal cortex to down-regulate the amygdala – if it reacts quick enough.  Some of the frequently documented outcomes of low-blood sugar is irritability and a reduction in willpower.  (See The Power of Habit and Willpower for more.)  In the context of the medial prefrontal cortex having enough resources to do its job quickly enough to not get shut down, this makes perfect sense.  Low blood sugar means there’s less ambient energy for the medial prefrontal cortex to draw upon to wrest control before it’s shut down.

Trauma Feedback Loop

The problem that can lead to persistent trauma comes down to a negative cycle of overwhelming emotions and avoidance.  Because the traumatic event isn’t able to be processed – it’s overwhelming – people avoid reactivating memories of the trauma to prevent being overwhelmed.  This avoidance indirectly makes the trauma worse and makes it harder to deal with.

The trauma is wrapped in another layer of overwhelming emotions when it’s pushed away.  Like a candle gaining wax when dipped, it gets larger and larger, bit by bit.  The process increases in frequency: the more we push it away, the more potential triggers appear.  It’s like White Bears and Unwanted Thoughts explains: we can’t block out a thought, because to do so requires that we consider the thought first.

The heart of helping people with trauma is to separate the overwhelming aspect of the trauma – including the emotion of being overwhelmed.  That means slowly re-exposing people to the traumatic memory at levels they can accept – and learn from.  The longer the process of reinforcement happens, the harder it is to maintain safety and unwind the trauma feedback loop.


A natural tool that humans use for traumatic events is dissociation. (It was previously known as disassociation.)  This cognitive process has us remembering the events as if they happened to other people.  Many people claim to be experiencing events from outside of their body.  This is an adaptive solution to an impossible traumatic event in many cases.  However, the problem is that dissociation can become maladaptive if it continues after the event has stopped.

When we’re trying to help others through trauma, we want to be on the lookout for situations where the person starts the dissociation process.  While it’s often internally experienced as seeing things from a third perspective, in the room it appears like the person is shutting down and beginning to stare off into space or at a distant, fixed object.


What Levine calls containment, others might call “holding space.”  (See Alone Together.)  Richo would call it “allowing.”  (See How to Be an Adult in Relationships.)  Containment provides a safe space to recall and process traumatic events.  It’s the heart of therapeutic relationships – and good friendships.  Trauma, as defined in this context, is a response to an overwhelming situation.  Containment creates a larger capacity so that the traumatic events no longer have the capacity to overwhelm.

The process of creating the space includes the traditional aspects of what The Heart and Soul of Change calls therapeutic alliance but also psychological safety.  (See The Fearless Organization and The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety.)  It’s creating relational trust and belief that, no matter what happens, the person will remain safe.  (For more on trust, see Trust => Vulnerability => Intimacy, Revisited.)

Moments and Moods

Emotions can be intensely painful.  What is difficult to see in those moments is that emotions, by their very nature, will fade.  Just because someone is acutely feeling a loss doesn’t mean they’ll feel it the same way forever.  In fact, you cannot feel the same way forever.  When processing trauma, it’s peaceful to know whatever the current feeling, it will change.

Moods are something a bit different in that they last longer than emotions.  They are, however, still not the degree of permanence they’re often assigned.  As a part of our burnout work, we encourage people to do an exercise that’s titled “Hindsight 20-20.”  The short of the exercise is to look back at a traumatic event that’s more than five years old and recall what you felt then vs. what you feel now.  They’re almost always radically different.  The point of the exercise is to help people realize how their emotions, moods, and perspectives will change over time.  Most people who do the exercise say that they knew things were different, but they didn’t think it applied to their circumstances today.  Others have commented on how intellectually they were aware, but they didn’t realize how wrapped up in the current emotions they had become.

Reality Is Not What You Think

Our perceptions are our subjective reality, but that doesn’t make them objective reality.  Each person has their perspective of the world, what they see of it.  The problem is that this doesn’t make everyone’s reality match our own.  One of the key points in conflict resolution is to address the differences in perspectives among the parties.  Incognito, The Tell-Tale Brain, and The Hidden Brain all argue that what we experience as reality is a fiction that our minds create.  It’s what we form our beliefs about the world from and why, when our experience of the world differs from our expectations, it’s often painful to readjust.

Humans are, at their core, prediction-generating machines.  (See Mindreading.)  Many believe that consciousness is the solution to the need to be better at prediction and therefore survival.  However, because reality is self-generated, it sometimes becomes so misaligned with objective reality that a correction is needed.  Evolution provided for several mechanisms for this.  Our reaction to humor is the most positive reward we get to our brains detecting an error – and correcting for it.  The short is that when we laugh, we’re responding to the detection of the misunderstanding of what the comic said.  Intentional misdirection or not, we get a dopamine reward for detecting and correcting the error.  (See Inside Jokes for more.)

Other forms of error detection don’t leave us feeling better.  Consider the glass funhouse at carnivals.  You can proceed through the maze with a hand in front of you safely detecting the presence of a glass pane in front of you – or you can boldly go and accept the invariable nose bumps in the process.

Feelings Are Only Feelings

Feelings feel real.  They feel like they’re reality.  Here, I’m using feelings as an encompassing term for both emotions and perceptions.  Collectively, we give them too much weight.  In How Emotions Are Made, Lisa Feldman Barrett shares a story where she went on a date before getting physically ill, and how, at the time, she had misinterpreted the feelings that she was having for attraction.  In A Beautiful Mind, John Nash develops a technique – after struggling with imaginary people for much of his life – for asking someone he knows is real if the other person with them is real to ensure that the people he’s speaking with are real.

No matter how real our feelings appear to be – whether emotion or perception – that doesn’t make them real.  Nor does it stop us from treating them as real.

Self-Medicating Placebo

The placebo effect is well known in medical research.  The control group, by nature of their having some hope, often improve.  (See The Psychology of Hope, The End of Hope, and Warning: Psychiatry Can Be Hazardous to Your Mental Health for more.)  However, Levine reveals that the placebo effect may be triggering our brain to manufacture natural pain killers.  To understand how this works, you need to know that opioids bind to specific receptors in our brain – the same receptors that natural endorphins bind to.  Science discovered a drug, Naloxone, that competitively binds with the same receptors – without the feelings of pleasure.  Competitive binding really means that it’s more effective at binding to the receptors than the naturally occurring compounds – and the synthetic opioids that we’ve developed.  Today, it’s used to help prevent overdose.

Here’s the tricky part: Levine’s brother, Jon, while studying pain patients, treated half with morphine and the other half with saline (placebo).  Both reported pain reduction.  Then he gave both the naloxone, and both reported that their pain was higher.  Jon’s study was replicated by others.  The implication is that, with the idea that there was a resolution in sight, the brain naturally started producing the neurotransmitters that it associated with happiness and less pain.  The naloxone took that away, just like it took away the artificial high of the morphine.

That further lends credence to the idea that we have much more control over our responses than we generally believe.  It turns out that our minds and bodies can speak In an Unspoken Voice.

Book Review-Never Broken: Songs Are Only Half the Story

I was born with a genetic defect.  It’s never been officially diagnosed, but I know it’s a limitation.  I’ve been born without the “fan” gene.  That is, fan in its real meaning of “fanatic.”  I knew Jewel’s music and appreciated it.  Music is for me like air.  If there’s not music playing around me, it’s playing in my head.  My musical tastes are what others would call eclectic.  Jewel’s music made it on my likes list – which is much shorter.  Never Broken: Songs Are Only Half the Story is her story of growing up and being grown up.  I would have never found it except through my research on trauma and the book The Myth of Normal, which references it.

The soulful stories that exist in Jewel’s songs come from deep exploration and much trauma.  Her challenges with her parents are at least an order of magnitude more than mine.  (See Fault Lines for more about that.)  Her story is about struggle, loneliness, heartache, and ultimately triumph.  What intrigued me about the book more than any other thing is how she found a path of growth instead of one of numbing.  (See Transformed by Trauma for more on growth post trauma.)  Never Broken is an opportunity for her to share her love of people and compassionate desire to minimize their suffering.

A Few Parallels and Lots of Differences

I won’t go into the complete story, because the book does a wonderful job – and it’s her story – but I will say that there were times that I felt resonance with Jewel’s experiences and other places where we clearly walked radically different paths.  I left home at 18, not 15, and I’ve never been homeless.  And at the same time, there were echoes that were deeply stirring as I considered feelings of loneliness, making strong decisions, figuring it out, generational trauma, divorce, and more that resonated.

As I share my story woven with hers below, I do so as an example of how we all face traumas – some are the same as each other.  Some traumas we face are uniquely ours.  However, we can view traumas as similar enough to connect and support each other.


I related in my review of Loneliness that being alone and being lonely aren’t the same thing.  I’m no expert on Alaska but my visit and the feedback make it clear that there are times when people are alone.  However, Never Broken doesn’t talk about loneliness in that way.  The loneliness that Jewel speaks of is that sense that you’re not understood.  It’s the sense that the world you live in is foreign to others and almost as if you speak a different language.

In Straddling Multiple Worlds, I share a few aspects of how even being in multiple worlds instead of one can be alienating and difficult.  The reason for your disconnect could be that you’re struggling to get by in a world of the affluent, or that you’re thinking in ways that aren’t “normal.”  Feeling like you don’t fit in is deeply alienating and ultimately lonely.  It’s even more separating and lonely when you have the courage to stand for your convictions.

Strong Decisions

There are a few very key, defining moments in my life that I know were important.  One was when I was in Boston and visited the Church of Scientology.  (I explain this in my review of The Paradox of Choice.)  Another was the time I decided that I could be afraid but that I refused to live in fear.  Jewel rightly points out decisions in her life that made the difference.  She explains about her decision to be honest in her writing when she couldn’t be with people.  She also explains the decision not to take someone up on a proposition even when the money was sorely needed.

These sit alongside her decision to not drink or do drugs.  She aptly states that you can’t outrun your pain.  You must go through pain – not around it – and not run ahead of it.  It will always find you.

These are simple decisions that are hard to make.  (See How Good People Make Tough Choices for more.)  I deeply admire people who find the courage to make these hard choices and live true to themselves – or as true to themselves as any of us get.  (See Find Your Courage for finding this kind of courage and how to enable it in others.)

Figure It Out

One of the greatest gifts that I’ve received from my upbringing is the belief that I can do anything I set my mind to.  Obviously, there are limits.  I’m not going to be a test pilot or an astronaut at this point, but within reason, I can do almost anything.  The idea that you can figure stuff out comes from a sense of necessity.  For Jewel, it may have been that Alaska requires it of everyone.  I’ll certainly buy that, given it’s still a relative frontier.  For me, I don’t know where it comes from.  Maybe it was just seeing my dad figure things out and make things work.

In some circles, it might be called self-esteem or self-confidence.  However, that doesn’t really capture it.  It’s not that you don’t know you’re going to try and fail and try and fail again.  It’s that you know if you’re willing to work at something, eventually you’ll find a solution.  Carol Dweck would call it a growth mindset.  (See Mindset.)  Angela Duckworth would use the word Grit.  Roy Baumeister would say Willpower.  Rick Snyder would call it hope.  (See The Psychology of Hope.)  Margie Warrell might call it courage.  (See Find Your Courage.)  Whatever you call it, it’s a force to be reckoned with.

Generational Trauma

Trauma is whatever you struggle to process and integrate into your understanding.  (See The Body Keeps the Score.)  Sometimes, it’s things that should have never happened to you – but they did.  From the point of view of the person whom trauma is inflicted upon, it’s hard to recognize that the people who are the perpetrators of the trauma have had their own trauma in their lives.  It doesn’t excuse or make right their behaviors, but it does help you accept them as an unfortunate but natural consequence.  (See How to Be an Adult in Relationships for more.)

The greatest gift that we can give future generations is to break the cycle of trauma.  We can do the hard work to achieve the personal growth that allows us to prevent the ripple of trauma from moving forward.  Jewel notes the work that she and her father have done to dampen the impacts of generational trauma.


I explained in my review of Divorce both its causes and its consequences.  Since then, I’ve written about The Progression of Parental Alienation and The Psychology of Not Holding Children Accountable.  It addresses what Jewel calls “The Disneyland Effect,” where parents try to “win” the children by giving them things and experiences to become their favorite.  Cruelty isn’t what it does to the other parent.  Cruelty is what it does to the children who are “forced” to decide between two people they love and who love them.

Emotional English and Worthy of Love

We have formed unspoken beliefs about emotions – whether they’re good or bad.  The trick is that most emotions are what the Buddhists would call non-afflictive.  (See Destructive Emotions.)  Sometimes, we need to work around what we learned as children and accept our emotions.  (See Emotion and Adaptation and How Emotions Are Made for more.)  The greatest tragedies I’ve seen are related to people who believe that emotions are bad instead of teachers that are sent to keep us safe.

Sometimes our emotions are so compartmentalized, hurt, or broken that we can’t experience love the way that we should.  (See Anatomy of Love, Daring to Trust, and The Art of Loving for more.)  Until we can accept that we’re worthy of love and learn to love ourselves, we’ll find it hard to accept love from others.  (See No Bad Parts for more on accepting all the pieces of us.)  In The Science of Trust, John Gottman, relationship guru, explains the things that get in the way of relationships – and being loved by others.

Digging Back to Your True Self

You are not broken.  You’re just buried in the trauma, pain, armor, and busy-ness of life.  That’s a fundamental message of hope.  Too many people see the things in their life – including their behaviors – and they’re tortured by the shame of not being enough.  Somehow, they missed out on the magical elixir that would allow them to be a normal human being.  Somehow, they feel as if they’re broken beyond repair.  The view that it’s not you who are broken but rather that your true self is buried beneath other things is freeing.  You can, given time and effort, dig yourself out.  If you’re broken, there’s no telling if you can be fixed – or not.

Hard Wood Grows Slowly

There are lessons in nature.  One of them is the nature of trees.  There are, of course, many different kinds of trees that grow at different rates.  Many of the things we have that are made from wood – like the 2×4 studs in our home – come from pine.  Pine grows quickly, but it’s easily broken.  Quality furniture, things that are meant to last and be cherished, are made from hard woods – and they grow slowly.  The slow, hard path isn’t the one that people want to know – but it is the one that is lasting.

I’ve read plenty of books about how to get there quick – and why you need to do it.  Launch carries the subtitle, “The Critical 90 Days from Idea to Market”.  Traction caries the subtitle, “How Any Startup Can Achieve Explosive Customer Growth.”  I believe in hard work.  I believe in making decisions that lead to the long-term results I want – even if the short-term results aren’t great.

Jewel recounts her deal with Atlantic Records.  Little up front, just enough to get her off the street.  The largest back-end deal made at the time.  She’d get more if she sold more.  It’s a perfect example.  I did the same thing when I made my deal to sell courses through Pluralsight.  The largest back end available with almost no advance.  I wanted a way to make the long-term work, even if it meant working harder in the short term.

Angels in my Life

Jewel recounts stories of what she calls everyday angels.  (A term her fans coined.) They’re people whose words or deeds helped her at a critical moment.  They helped her to grow.  These people may have realized the impact they had – or they may not have.  Either way, the impact was made by “Indian Uncles” and concerned friends.  We all have these everyday angels in our lives.  They don’t arrive on a beam of light, nor stand with a blazing sword before us.  Instead, they come into our lives to enrich it.

I’ve had several of these people myself.  Some have stayed for the better part of my adult life.  Many have come for a time and are no longer an active part of my life in the physical sense.  However, they’ve shaped my path and lifted me up in ways that aren’t possible to explain.

We (Terri and I) try to be everyday angels.  Offering our home for people to stay with us.  Making all the Extinguish Burnout materials free.  There are dozens of small and large ways that we try our best to bring more everyday angels into existence, using Gandhi’s guidance to be the change we want to see in the world.

Audiences Don’t Care If You Sing Correctly

They want to feel something.  It doesn’t matter if you get the words, the melody, or harmony right (within reason).  What they care about is that, when they leave, they’ve experienced (or felt) something.  For over a decade, I ran live sound at church at least one weekend a month.  I learned so much about production with great people.  I realized how little what we wanted to do mattered compared to what we actually did.  The people in the audience didn’t know what was “supposed to happen.”  They just wanted to feel like it happened with them.

I learned so much about how bass can connect people to a rhythm.  Kick drums and electric bass keep the time.  If you dump more of that into the house (the sound that goes to the audience), you synchronize them to what is happening on the stage.  A weak voice can be amplified.  Short reverb can cover a vocal talent who is struggling to finish a set.  A good equalization can make the difference between hearing the vocals and having the piano (or the guitar) running all over the place.

I was lucky enough to begin to see the big waves that we were creating to unite people and help them feel connected with one another – our fundamental human need.

It’s this experience that made Jewel’s discussion about having the right band make so much sense.  Drummers have click tracks to tell them how to keep time – but it prevents them from adjusting to the natural tempo of the crowd.  Counting measures works when you’re playing a specific song a specific way, but it prevents you from doing the chorus again when the crowd starts to sing along.  I so appreciate good “crowd work” (reading the crowd and adapting).  I loved that Jewel related both the benefits and the struggles.

Tightly Packed Day

In the maid’s quarters in a house on Center Avenue in Bay City, Michigan, an alarm has been going off unheard for 20 minutes.  It’s the kind of wake-the-dead alarm they can hear in the kitchen two floors down, but I’m just starting to stir.  I’d get up and go to high school before heading out to work and finally ending my day at the local college.  My high school work was light.  Work was 20 hours a week.  I was carrying 10 credit hours a semester at college – filling all my weeknights.  I spent 15 weeks sleeping maybe four hours a night, and I was doing my homework and studying in other classes and during every scrap of time I could find.

I can identify with “I had a tightly packed day, and went about it with a starving man’s mentality, devouring everything in sight.”  I can also identify with “I was too busy surviving to cry in Anchorage.”  There were no margins.  There was nothing left.  I had every moment spoken for.  I carried the Thoreau quote, “Who can kill time without injuring eternity” on my lips everywhere I went.

What is too easily dismissed in my experience is the value it brought.  I knew that I could do it.  The memories of these times have reminded me that even in very busy parts of my life, it will end.  It is a defining moment when I can point to hard work and the payoff.

Bifurcated Sense

Some of the people who seem the most confident are those who are mostly deeply insecure.  Their image of confidence is an illusion they project – to others and themselves.  There is a split between the person they want to appear to be – even to themselves – and their deep-seated fears.  This projection itself drives people to experiencing impostor syndrome.  The resounding question is, “When will they find out that I’m not really who they believe I am?”

The more common experience of a bifurcated sense of being is an oscillation.  It’s the result of the inner battle of the mind.  One moment, there’s a self-correction to combat the overly critical inner voice.  The next moment, the inner critic is going after the voice that elevates parts of you to the grandiose.  Sometimes, these battles are epic, as the parts of your psyche fight for control.  No Bad Parts would speak of our hurt places, the protectors, and the exiles locked in a battle for control.

My language is integrated self-image.  It’s a way of viewing our self that accepts the good and the bad instead of trying to argue for all good or bad.  Instead of each part of us feeling invalidated, it can be acknowledged as a part of the whole.  (See Braving the Wilderness for more.)

Feeling Proud

When your sense of self is disrupted, it’s hard to be proud.  What are you proud of?  The constant storm of emotion and thought that pervades your existence?  Even when you’re working hard and you’re being rewarded for that hard work, it’s difficult to accept it.  It’s disconnected from your experience somehow.  Jewel’s graduation may have ended with her throwing away her diploma (she’s not sure).  Here’s a symbol of achievement – in her case, a monumental achievement – but it couldn’t be accepted, because it wasn’t consistent with her internal view.  Some of the rationalization was that she wasn’t in a position to have much stuff – but that was a rational lie (which she acknowledges).

Behind the rationalization was the quiet reality of parents who couldn’t give Jewel what she deserved.  A mother who was absent and a father battling with his own demons didn’t have the capacity to support her in ways that would remind her that she was good – that she was enough.


The opposite of scarcity isn’t abundance.  The opposite is enough.  (I gave a talk on this topic Enough Scarcity in 2017.)  Feeling like we’re “enough” is a common challenge.  Brené Brown talks about it in I Thought It Was Just Me (But It Isn’t), and Gabor Mate explains his struggle with it in The Myth of Normal.  The key question is enough for what?  The tragic answer that cannot be spoken is often “to be loved.”  It’s tragic, because it’s a sign of a fundamental lack of understanding about what love is.  Love should be your birthright.  It’s not something to be earned, bartered for, or taken.

In English, the word “love” is overloaded.  Consider that, in Greek, there are three words that are all translated to love in English – agape, philos, and eros.  I’ll dispense with eros because it’s romantic or physical love.  (See Anatomy of Love for more on this kind.)  Agape, global love, and philos, brotherly love, are the two most commonly considered, and the line between them isn’t always as distinct as we’d like.  (See My Spiritual Journey for more of the Buddhist perspective.)  C.S. Lewis also speaks of different kinds of love in The Four Loves.  When we speak of love in English, we’re often not clear.  In the context of “enough,” the meaning of love is “to be cared for.”  Parental love is what it might be called.

Parental love is supposed to be unconditional caring.  Too often, children don’t experience love from their parents in this way.  It’s often inconsistent.  Sometimes, instead of love and care, they receive cruelty and abuse.  As a result, their perception of whether they are enough or not is often hampered if not destroyed.

Underneath the need for love, we see a need for safety and our avoidance of death.  (See The Worm at the Core for more about how death drives us.)  We equate love with safety, because we only became the dominant biomass on the planet by our unique ability to work together.  (See The Righteous Mind.)  One might slip here from love to acceptance as a more basic form.  If they accept me, they won’t expel me from the community.  This would be catastrophic.  While in today’s world, we aren’t ejected from communities like we once were, the fear still lingers.  At some level, we wonder whether we’ll be left alone to die if the community doesn’t accept us.

More than any other creature on Earth, we’re unconsciously aware of our need to be connected.  That’s why loneliness can be so frightening.  (See Loneliness.)  Like much of life, it is our perception of loneliness, unlovability, and acceptance by others that matters.  The objective truth isn’t the point.  Consider, for a moment, the number of celebrities who have died by suicide and how they are loved – or at least accepted – by so many.

Support and Solidarity

The opposite of loneliness is finding the person who wants nothing from you but believes in you.  You feel heard and seen not for what you can do for someone but because they understand your struggles at a level that most aren’t capable of.  There’s a song by JJ Heller, “What Love Really Means”.  The chorus contains the words, “Who will love me for me // Not for what I have done or what I will become.”  It’s in this sentiment that I believe we move from just acceptance to love.

Acceptance is fundamentally rooted in a belief that you subscribe to the same social norms that I do – or that I believe your deviances from what is socially acceptable are offset by what you may be able to do for me.  This may be a clue to the tragedy of artist suicide.  For them to express their creativity, they must necessarily deviate from the norm.  (See Creative Confidence for assurance we can all be creative.)  Innovators face similar asymmetry.  They are lauded for their innovations and criticized for their disruption and deviation.  (See The Disruption Mindset, The Innovator’s DNA, The Art of Innovation, and Unleashing Innovation for more.)

When the balance for innovators is in favor of the benefits, they find acceptance.  When their ideas are more disruptive than valuable, they’re summarily dismissed.  The support that they feel is conditional.  We’ve seen a gradual deterioration of loyalty over the years.  (See Exit, Voice, and Loyalty for more about loyalty’s importance.)  Robert Putnam spoke about the societal decline in Bowling Alone, and Francis Fukuyama spoke about corporate loyalty decline in Trust: Human Nature and the Reconstitution of Social Order.  In short, we’re seeing an erosion of real support and solidarity over the long term – and that’s why when you find it, it’s so special.

Innocence Traded for Wisdom

For a commercial project, I reviewed a book in progress recently.  It was focused on the loss of innocence and the tragedy that it was to lose your innocence.  I pushed back, because I believe that we’ve lost our innocence long ago.  I believe that we have our first event, and when we experience it, we’ve lost our innocence.  It’s our first heartbreak that takes that innocence.  However, a key point that was missing that Jewel relates eloquently is that innocence is traded for wisdom.  It’s a beautiful reminder that when we lose something, there is often something else there to take its place.  One of the pieces of wisdom I hope you’re able to take away is that, no matter what has happened to you, you’re Never Broken.

Book Review-The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic Culture

I was speaking with a friend when Gabor Maté’s work came up.  The friend had seen a session and suggested that Maté had some good insight into trauma.  That’s what led me to the oddly-titled The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic Culture.  It’s odd, because the fundamental premise is captured by a quote of Eric Fromm from The Sane Society: “The fact that millions of people share the same forms of mental pathology does not make these people sane.”  Normal is what we expect, but maybe we should expect better of ourselves, others, and society.

Not Knowing

When someone is doing something that we know doesn’t work, the question should be whether they know it doesn’t work and they’re ignoring the research – or they don’t actually know.  In medicine, the average time for an innovation to be widely adopted is 17 years.  I’ve never seen a timeline for mental health – and perhaps that’s because they’re never adopted.  So, there’s plenty of room to not know.  There’s the time between the first published report and subsequent reports that either refute or confirm the initial observations.  During the cone of confusion with conflicting reports, a failure to follow a particular path is similarly reasonable.

However, at some point, we know that something we’re doing isn’t working – or something that could work isn’t being done – and we’ve got to wonder why.  The unfortunate answer is human nature.  We’re lousy at statistical thinking.  (See The Signal and the Noise, Noise, and Superforecasting.)  We’re convinced that we know better because of our own biases.  (See How We Know What Isn’t So and Thinking, Fast and Slow.)  We can be swayed by the people we interact with to change our perceptions.  (See Going to Extremes.)  However, in the end, we must accept that we know that we’re lying to ourselves and others when we’re failing to follow what has been well-established.  (See Telling Lies, Change or Die, and Immunity to Change for more.)

This is the sad state of mental wellness today.  We don’t know our practices, we don’t do what we know to be true, and we often lie to ourselves that our experience is more relevant than well done statistical research by multiple parties.

Defining Trauma

Maté’s definition of trauma is, “Trauma is not what happens to you but what happens inside you.”  In other words, anything can be traumatic or not depending on how you process it.  Care must be exercised here not to say that someone who believes something is traumatic is more or less mentally healthy than another.  Our preference for a favorite color is no more of an indicator about who is or isn’t mentally healthy.  Seeing the impact of an automobile accident fatality may be a trauma – or not – to a first responder based on their experiences and unknowable similarities to other fatalities.

What matters is not finding blame nor judging the other person for not being “strong” enough to “handle it.”  The truth is that when you’ve traveled the world enough, you realize that everyone has their own trauma, and new events can activate old traumas in very odd ways.

Bessel van der Kolk, of The Body Keeps the Score, defines trauma as such: “Trauma is when we are not seen and known.”  I disagree.  While not being seen and known can be a trauma, I don’t think all traumas are this.  I believe that all traumas are about loss – material or not.  Peter Levine points out, “Certainly, all traumatic events are stressful, but not all stressful events are traumatic.”  That’s how I feel about requiring trauma be about not being seen.

Big and Little “T” Trauma

There seems to be some hidden competition in some people.  My trauma is bigger (or smaller) than yours.  It’s not atypical for Terri and I to hear from others that they have no right to share their trauma with us, because ours is greater.  We’re quick to point out that all trauma is trauma.  There is no such thing as a small trauma.  It’s something that the person needs to work through.  It may be deceptively hard or easy to resolve, and you won’t know by looking at it from the outside.

There is one aspect of trauma that is important and that is whether it’s sustained.  A one-time event tends to cause less damage than systemic traumas that are recurring and that the victim feels they’re powerless to escape from.  Consider the first responder who must choose to face traumatization every day on the job in exchange for their pay and their mission to help others.

The Pause Between Stimulus and Response

One of the best things about being human is the choice on how to respond.  In Emotion and Adaptation, Richard Lazarus explains the difference between a stressor in the environment and stress in terms of how we respond.  When we cultivate this pause, we create the opportunity to choose our response instead of just reacting to the stimulus.  It was Paul Eckman’s study of microexpressions that led me to understand that the startle response is different – it’s wired in.  However, our other emotions are processed differently.  (See How Emotions Are Made.)  The result is that we have a wide degree of influence over our emotions by changing the way we evaluate the stimulus in the environment.

Shame as Fundamentally Deficient

“Contained in the experience of shame,” writes the psychologist, Gershen Kaufman, “is a piercing awareness of ourselves as fundamentally deficient in some vital way as a human being.”  I contrast this with Brené Brown’s work, which I summarize as saying that shame is “I am bad.”  The difference here is in magnitude.  Brown’s work is clear that someone isn’t “fundamentally deficient” – rather they are currently or situationally deficient, something that can be rectified.

Shame separates us from humanity.  Our belief that the trauma we experienced was our fault – or we are to blame – separates us.  It takes effort and often support to reconnect with others.  The first step is often the need to reestablish compassion for ourselves.  By separating ourselves from humanity, we’ve separated ourselves from the normal compassion that we offer to any other member of the human race.

Mind and Body

In Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers, Robert Sapolsky explains how stress impacts the bodies of humans and animals alike.  In his work, the relationship of chronic stress and the negative effects on inflammation, immune response, and digestive problems are clear.  There is no doubt that there’s very little separation (if any) between the mind (our consciousness) and the body.  That being said, I resist those who would push the pendulum too far, as I explained in my review of The HeartMath Solution.

With cautions firmly in place, it’s clear that the way that our minds work – particularly as it relates to stress – has a very real and powerful impact on our bodily health.  When we fight our natural responses – like suppressing our emotions instead of working through them – we necessarily impact our bodies in negative ways.  People who say that all illness is a failure to meditate enough, have enough faith, or lighten their hearts are wrong.  All of life is probabilities.  A healthy body and healthy mind are a protective factor for disease, but it’s not a perfect defense.  Because someone needs medical attention doesn’t mean they’re bad.  Someone who needs mental health attention isn’t bad either.

It’s in the Genes

One of the insights into genetics over the past few decades has been epigenetics.  That is how the environment activates or inactivates genes in ways that change outcomes.  You may harbor a particular allele for a gene that could be harmful – but only if the environment activates it.  This new awareness allows us to more clearly see the complicated interactions between genes and environments and recognize that even a person’s genes aren’t necessarily bad – it can be that they’re ill suited for their environments.  (See The Blank Slate for a primer on epigenetics.)

The Line Between Healthy and Ill

We tend to think in absolutes, blacks and whites.  However, as The Halo Effect explains, life is probabilities.  At any given time, we’ve got dozens of microorganisms replicating inside of us.  Should one of them become overly successful and reproduce in sufficient quantities before being squashed by our immune system, with or without the assistance of modern medicine, we’d call ourselves ill.  However, the number of microorganisms that qualifies as ill isn’t a magical – or even knowable – number.  We’re constantly in a state of repair and protection.

Part of the argument is that the better our mental health is, the more resistant that we’ll be to these organisms – which, owing to the immune system responses to stress, this is accurate.  However, the path to this space isn’t as clear.  We know that meditation can help – but we don’t have that all figured out, either.  (See Altered Traits for more.)

Enough of Something that Almost Works

Vincent Felitti’s astute remark about addiction that “it’s hard to get enough of something that almost works.”  It’s important to recognize that we’re likely to continue something when we believe that we’re “almost there.”  In some contexts, it’s the sunk-cost fallacy.  (See Thinking, Fast and Slow.)  Maté isn’t a stranger to addiction.  His colleague, Bruce Alexander, wrote the excellent The Globalization of Addiction.  For the casual reader, it’s important to recognize that addictions are coping skills that have progressively come to control the person – rather than the other way around.

In this context, it’s easy to see how anything that almost works could become an addiction.  Anything that quells the fear, anxiety, and disruption of a calm mind is a welcome friend when nothing else works.  Certainly, the traditional substance-based addictions get priority, but we’ve long given up the pharmacological theory of addiction.  (At least, if we’re reading and accepting the research, we should have.)

Women are Unexploded Bombs that Need Defusing

Michael Klein, former head of the family practice department at BC Women’s Hospital in Vancouver, told Maté, “You learn in a very biased environment that sees childbirth as scary and dangerous.”  It’s not hard to understand that, with this perspective and training, doctors would tend to do caesarean section deliveries instead of natural childbirth.  Natural childbirth is akin to letting the timer on the bomb click down to zero.  Of course, a different view recognizes that the birth of a child particularly is a rite of passage.  (See The Rites of Passage.)  It’s a period of changing relationships to each other and to life for both the mother and the child, and in addition to the medical needs of both, there’s a need for connection.

Too many women believe that their medicalized birthing process was a trauma.  It’s not surprising in the context of knives, being ordered what to do, and restraints, that it might be considered as such.  How did we take such a precious moment and privilege and turn it into something that is traumatic?

Doesn’t Play Well with Others

I can’t recall whether I was told that I didn’t play well with others on a report card or whether it was just a fear of mine.  I do know that, in the context of Maté’s beliefs that “plays well with others” means “conforms to society’s expectations,” I’ve failed miserably.  I was building circuits and soldering by the time I was 11 years old.  When I’d fumble and burn my fingers, my teachers would be concerned and call my mother.  In today’s culture, I’m absolutely certain that we’d have a visit from child protective services.

That’s just one of a hundred ways that I was different from the norm – and why I had and sometimes still have trouble relating to others.  It’s common to have people ask me about sports teams or what sports I’m interested in.  I shrug a bit and say that it’s not me.  Friends who have known Terri and I for years still forget that we really don’t watch television.  Occasionally, we’ll watch a movie or, even less frequently, a series.  If you ask us what we have watched, you’re likely to be disappointed – because we haven’t.  (Conversely, if you ask if I’ve read a non-fiction book your odds are substantially better.)

It’s My Fault

There’s a trap when your parents aren’t good.  You can decide that they’re not good people, but they’re the people that are responsible for taking care of you.  Conversely, you can decide the poor treatment that you’re receiving is because you’re a bad kid.  While the second seems worse, it’s much better, because there’s something you can do about it – you can be better.  It’s an awful weight on a child, but it’s better than accepting that your parents aren’t good parents.  You need them.

The controversy has been raging for decades about whether to spoil the child or to let them cry themselves to sleep (to simplify the argument).  I cover this in good detail in my review of Parent Effectiveness Training.  Here, I believe we need to find some balance.  We need to help children, particularly young children, know that they are loved, heard, and supported.  We need to let them know that they will be safe and okay.  Conversely, we do need to allow them to learn skills like self-soothing.

However, the more interesting aspect of the discussion is the need to avoid performance-based love when interacting with our children.  (See The Road Less Traveled for more.)  When we withhold affection until the child does something that makes us feel or look good, we send the unconscious message that we don’t love them – we love what they can do for us.  This makes it hard for them to develop self-esteem and recognize that they are inherently worthy of love.  (See Words Can Change Your Brain for more.)

Consumer Culture

“Viewed from a corporation’s bottom line, one could not imagine a more desirable consumer profile than those who can’t get enough of what they don’t need but feel they must have.”  We’re all, as the book Happier? explains, looking for a way to become happier and marketers, are selling it.  They’re not selling products or features but rather the idea that some thing will make us happier than we are today.

Here, too, I’m not normal.  I don’t care about brand names, and I never have.  The cool kids could do what they do.  I was going to do what I did.  I live in the same house I’ve lived in for nearly 25 years.  It’s not uncommon for my vehicles to be over 10 years old.

However, Maté’s point is that much of the world is caught on a hedonistic treadmill, believing that the next thing will be the thing that unlocks perpetual happiness and joy – despite decades of evidence in their own lives that it doesn’t work.  Consumerism almost works – and is its own form of addiction.

Not Mental Illness, Injured

Maté shares some of Darryl Hammond’s story, including a visit with Dr. Nabil Kotbi, who reportedly said, “I don’t want you to call what you have a mental illness. You have been injured.”  This is the heart of much mental illness.  It’s an injury that we weren’t able to address.  When the underlying trauma has been addressed, the mental illness not only abates but may disappear entirely.  If we change from asking “What’s wrong with you?” to “What happened to you?”, we may find that the answers are much more productive.  (See Restoring Sanctuary for more.)

The Lack of Biomarkers

Mental health has postulated for some time that there should be clear medical markers for problems, and once those markers are found, it will make diagnosis easier.  A simple lab test or procedure like an X-ray, it was promised, would identify the specific problems opening up their resolution.  However, we have not found these markers – and I seriously doubt we will.  In my review of Descartes’ Error, I explained that some problems may be biological (hardware) but others may be conditioning (software).  In either case, software can work around hardware issues.

I’m reminded of John Nash and how he found strategies to validate that the people he was interacting with were real people and not delusions.  (I cover this more in my review of Incognito.)  Rather than looking for the medical source of all problems, we should be looking at the ways that we can help people build better lives.

Normal or Disease?

“A University of British Columbia study looked at the prescription records of almost one million B.C . schoolchildren over an eleven-year period and found that kids born in December were 39 percent more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD than classmates born the previous January.”  This leads to the question: is ADHD really just age-appropriate behavior?  There’s definitely a growing consensus that we’re overmedicating children for ADHD when they may be doing age-appropriate behaviors.

How many other things have we turned into a medical (or mental) diagnosis that is completely appropriate for someone’s age?  It’s a scary thought.  It’s particularly scary when you consider the number of people on SSRIs and how few of them are in the suggested therapy.  (See Warning: Psychiatry May Be Hazardous to Your Health.)  We need to use medications to allow us to proceed through therapy productively – and then to stop them.  The research supports this, but few people read the research.

Sensitive People

It’s a gift.  It’s also a curse.  When we look at the people who struggle, suffer, and die by suicide, they are disproportionately represented by the artists and the people who are sensitive.  Opening yourself up to all the emotions available to you can be an amazing experience, and it can also expose you to raw suffering.  The trick is to find ways of opening yourself up and being as sensitive as possible while remaining inside the space that your coping skills can handle.  Too little emotional reception and expression, and you risk a psychotic break, as your emotions finally break through.  Too much sensitivity, and you may not be able to moderate the feelings into a consistently safe range.

Sense of Control

In our bid to protect the parts of ourselves that are hurting, we aggrandize ourselves and seek to assert that we have control over things – all things.  However, as Compelled to Control explains, control is an illusion.  We never really have control over anyone else and often barely control ourselves.  Kurt Lewin backs this up with his observation that behavior is a function of both person and environment – we can’t even control our own behavior all the time.  (See A Dynamic Theory of Personality for more.)

This sense of control provides us with feelings of safety, and we’ll go to great lengths to protect it.  It’s the only way that we can feel as if we won’t be hurt any longer.

It’s Not Worth It

In our work with burnout, we zeroed in on feelings of inefficacy at the core of burnout.  (See Extinguish Burnout.)  It’s the mismatch between what we’re putting into something and what we’re getting out.  The problem is that our expectations and the results are rarely in harmony.  Instead, we put in massive amounts of work and have little to show for it.  It can feel disheartening, demotivating, and just bad.  It’s a pathway to depression, and the research supports that burnout inventories are often early predictors for future depression.

Tragically, some people begin to believe that life is not worth it, it’s too hard, and they’re not good enough to keep on living.

Am I Enough

Ask people who are in helping professions if they’ve done enough at the end of their careers, and their answer may be yes.  But if you ask them “Are you enough?”, the answer may be more difficult.  There’s a subtle but important difference between I’ve helped so many people and I’m good enough as a human.  It separates the results, which may be positive, from how we feel about ourselves and our lives.  The results can be terrifying.

If we’re honest, we all struggle with “Am I enough?”  It’s a constant source of question in myself and is shared by those who trust me enough to share their struggles.  We forget – or discount – that we’re enough simply because we exist.  We forget that the question itself is bad.  Maybe someday I’ll get consistent at reframing the question to “Am I loved?”  The answer – even if it’s just by the dog – is always yes.  That should be enough, but if my friends and loved ones are any indication, getting there is harder than it seems.

Not As I Would Have It

Many people have heard the serenity prayer – at least the first part.  The part that’s often dropped includes “taking the world as it is, not as I would have it.”  It’s important, because it’s a grounding reminder that we must take reality for what it is – even if we don’t like that reality.  We can’t will our dead loved ones to life.  We cannot change what is merely by our thoughts.  It’s hard to accept realities you don’t like.  However, it’s harder to live with a perception of the world that isn’t real.

The thing is, while normal may be a myth, there is some objective reality out there – one that we are best to align ourselves with.  If we want to reduce the friction and see the world as it is, we may just see that there is an illusion called The Myth of Normal.

Book Review-The Rites of Passage

Every culture has rites of passage.  In The Rites of Passage, Arnold van Gannep seeks to explain the commonalities and differences between the rites of passage in cultures across the planet.  I was first introduced to the work while reading William Bridges’ Managing Transitions.  It’s appropriate, because Bridges uses the same model for change and transition that he saw in rites of passage.

Some, like Robert Lewis in Raising a Modern-Day Knight, have attempted to keep these rites and rituals alive in today’s world, because they believe that these rites are important to our development.  Van Gannep points out that there’s no research to indicate there’s any less need for rites today than in previous times – though his words were written in 1908.

The Core Types

Van Gannep defines three key kinds of rites:

  • Preliminal/Separation – These are about embarking on the journey of transition.
  • Liminal/Transition – These represent the time during transition or change.
  • Postliminal/Incorporation – Reintegration into the group. The completion of the separation or transition.

These are the phases of Bridges’ change model – with different labels.  They represent the highest order of archetypes for the rites.

The Characteristics of Rites

The more specific list of characteristics of rites, as van Gannep perceives them, are:

  • Animistic – Related to the spirits/essences of a person.
  • Dynamistic – Based on the concept of transferring or conferring power.
  • Contagious – Based on the idea that characteristics can be transferred.
  • Sympathetic – Based in reciprocal action, including like-on-like, opposite-on-opposite, etc.
  • Positive – Designed to produce a positive impact for the person or people performing the rite.
  • Negative – Curses and prohibitions.
  • Direct – Intended to confer the benefits (or consequences) immediately.
  • Indirect – Intended to influence over time.

It’s important to note that these are not mutually exclusive.  Each rite can – and probably does – have multiple of these characteristics.

Life Periods

Although van Gannep acknowledges that great attention has been paid to the rites associated with puberty, he proposes that rites occur with the passage between stages of life.  While each culture defines the transitions differently, they typically have rites to separate one from another.  Perhaps one of the most common contemporary set of stages for development is Erikson’s stages as he lays out in Childhood and Society.

One of the challenges with other views of these developmental stages is the failure to distinguish between the physical and social transitions.  In most cases, van Gannep explains that the rites are about the social transitions and are often decoupled from the physiological changes that occur – like puberty.

Importance of Changes

Even the change of seasons wouldn’t be marked except that it has economic impact on the society.  Agrarian societies have festivals and events that would mark the transitions of the seasons, but largely because they signaled an economic change for the society.  Spring as a period of investment.  Summer as a period of tending.  Autumn as a period of reaping.  Winter as a period of dormancy, rejuvenation, and waiting.

If we accept this premise, then we expect that rites of passage are about the change in economic status of the individual members of the society.  Often, the rites are built around a degree of independence or interdependence.  It’s this changing relationship with the society that the rite signifies.


One of the most common rites across culture is “breaking bread.”  That is, the process of sharing a meal with someone is a way to incorporate them.  This process is affirmed as an incorporation rite in van Gannep’s work.  However, he also identifies many cultures where the incorporation of strangers includes sexual intercourse between the male visitors and the females of the group.  This often included the wives, sisters, or daughters of the host.  While polygamy is generally shunned in contemporary culture, it was and still is common in many societies.  (See Anatomy of Love for more.)  Van Gannep makes the point that this “loan” is often the equivalent of a shared meal.


Van Gannep cites several places and ways that homosexuality was incorporated into society and into rites of passage.  As I mentioned in my review of After the Ball, the admonishment of Sodom was likely as much about the failure to respect the wishes of the host as it was the homosexual contact that the Biblical story implies.  Put into the broader cultural context, it makes sense that the refusal of the host’s daughters is a very important slight.

Betrothal, Marriage, and Divorce

It’s clear that bearing young was important among tribes – even those that practiced polygamy.  In some cases, husbands were provided rituals to ensure the first born was theirs.  In other cases, a woman couldn’t be married until she had given birth to at least one child.  Sometimes, a child born from sexual activity during the betrothal but pre-marital phase was shunned – in other cases, no negative connotation was attached.

In short, the ideas varied.  However, the keys seem to be that sex post-betrothal was relatively common.  Marriage was a public, social custom, and it was the betrothal that led to physical union.  As was discussed in Anatomy of Love, marriage is a way of binding the father to the commitment to raising a child.  Divorce was a way to dissolve that binding – sometimes less easily than others.

Cycles of Repetition

One of the most revealing things about rites of passage is that they replicate.  They’re largely similar across cultures.  They occur from generation to generation.  Rites of incorporation are similar between marriage and adoption.  There are the archetypes like Joseph Campbell found in his analysis of myths.  (See The Power of Myth.)  Some rites even tie to others, with the participants regaining the same marking and mutilations that they had during the previous rite (if they weren’t permanent).

Just like seasons, there’s a cycle to life.  As we navigate, it’s good to know The Rites of Passage.

Book Review-The Power of Myth

It’s not exaggeration to say that Joseph Campbell is a legend when it comes to mythology.  The book, The Power of Myth, comes from a series of interviews that Campbell did with Bill Moyers while Campbell was in his eighties.  The legendary journalist that Bill Moyers is, he so carefully prepared for the conversation you could easily believe that Moyers had been a student of Campbell’s for years and that you were sitting in on a disciple being educated by a master after having been apart for a time.

The Teacher

Campbell had been a university professor for decades.  As the book opens, a vignette of his classroom exposes you to the copious reading assignments that his classes carried, until you discover that the reading assignments were for life – not for his classes.  His goal wasn’t for you to learn everything during his tutelage.  Instead, he left for you a path to guide continuous learning over a lifetime – something he deeply valued.

We’re then transported to Campbell’s graduation and the five years he couldn’t find work due to the Great Depression following the stock market crash.  You discover that he camped in Woodstock, NY in a place without running water, all the time reading, studying, and learning.  It’s impossible to describe the grace and ease with which Campbell navigated the myths of various cultures and was able to draw out both similarities and differences.  It’s no wonder, given that one of his earlier works was The Hero with a Thousand Faces (which I’ve still not managed to read yet).  In it, he does this comparison of both similarities and differences.

The Experience of Being Alive

Unlike others who’ve focused their lenses towards finding the meaning of life, Campbell insisted that his goal was to expose and engage in the experience of being alive.  The shift is from an academic answer to an unknowable question to the practicality of how to live life abundantly given what we know today.  Seeing that science and religion weren’t at odds but rather twins that help us to understand life better, he was focused on experience – despite being a prolific and powerful academic.

Mythology, he explains, is “the song of the universe.”  It’s the echoes that happen in different cultures across the planet with no way to communicate with one another.  The patterns emerge of the reluctant hero, their mentor, the trials, and the setbacks, before the eventual return to society.  The hero brings with them an elixir that resolves some thing that had grabbed their society.  Their struggle – and sacrifice – wasn’t for glory but rather to serve others.

In the modern, and particularly Western, world, we’ve separated ourselves from our connection with others and with nature.  Robert Putnam explains the erosion of social capital in Bowling Alone, while Sherry Turkle beams in the message of connected and disconnected at the same time through Alone Together.  To be alive, we must be connected with nature and others – a fire that is flickering out in our rushed and disconnected world.


We land quickly in a place where all the world religions begin to harmonize around caring for others.  We see echoes of the work of Jonathan Haidt in The Righteous Mind as we learn to work together.  We skip past Richard Dawkins’ The Selfish Gene through the competitions architected by Robert Axelrod designed to demonstrate The Evolution of Cooperation.  Ultimately, we arrive at the Give and Take of Adam Grant and ask the question, Does Altruism Exist?  Campbell’s answer is yes.  Through religions, myths, marriage, and rituals, we give ourselves up to the broader idea and let go of our selfish ego.  Francis Fukuyama explains in Trust how our societies relate differently to individuality and trust.  These are the same messages that Campbell offers.

He places the need to follow one’s bliss besides the need to connect with and submit to others – at least some others.  He explains how marriage, both in the arranged sense and the more modern, loving sense, is a commitment to one another more than the grip of amore.  He even dances around the idea that one can be in a marriage – committed relationship – and be in physical attraction to someone else but falls short of saying anything so scandalous as adultery or polyamory.  (See Anatomy of Love for more on polyamory and Daring to Trust on marriage or love as a commitment.)

The Meaning of Sin

Moyers would guide the conversation back to Christianity and the relationship of myths to Christianity knowing that this would interest his audience.  Campbell explains how Hell might be the place without God – that Hell may be defined by its lack of God.  He doesn’t discuss the fact that sin – from a biblical-linguistic perspective – is separation from God.  (See Growth Has No Boundaries.)  However, it’s perfectly reasonable to believe that Hell is that eternal separation being based on the initial separation of sin.

Campbell can acknowledge that there are four inconsistent tellings of Jesus’ life and problems with the biblical stories – like where the wives for Adam’s sons originated from – and makes observations that Jesus is supposed to provide everlasting life – as would the fruit of the second forbidden tree in Eden.

Intending to be a Man

Campbell makes the point that rituals are more important for boys than girls.  In many cultures, when the girl has her first menses, she becomes a woman.  Boys, however, need something to mark the change.  He also makes the point, however, that even baby birds know when they can fly, and so, too, should boys who don’t have a ritual to move them forward.

Acquiescing to Death

Moyers put to Campbell a question about understanding death – to which he quickly responded that you don’t understand it, you acquiesce to it.  You accept it as a part of life.  It’s not something to be overcome but rather something that should be accepted.  Death is clearly a key thing that people need to understand.  The Worm at the Core and The Denial of Death both explain the power that death holds over us – even when we don’t realize it.

No More Out Groups

We’re supposed to have compassion and concern for those that are a part of our group.  When God says, “Thou Shall Not Kill,” he doesn’t mean those with the competing religion on the other side of some river.  He means your people – his people.  Campbell makes the point that there should be no other or “out” group on the planet any longer.  He reveres Buddhist monks, and in particular the Dalai Lama, for their ability to be compassionate to everyone – to remove anger from their hearts.  The Dalai Lama’s perspective is slightly different, having written that even anger can be non-afflictive.  (See Destructive Emotions, A Force for Good, and Emotional Awareness for more.)

Head and Heart

The other dimension woven throughout is the connection between logic and reason to emotions.  Jonathan Haidt in The Happiness Hypothesis speaks of the emotional elephant and the rational rider.  (Also see Switch.)  He explains that it’s emotions that are in control, and reason is just deluding itself.  Campbell has a similar sentiment speaking of the power of ritual and myth to engage us and to help us escape the mundane, material world that we live in.

However, in the end, Campbell makes the point that, in the ideal situation our reason and our emotions would have a relationship with one another – each listening to the other at times.  We sometimes lean into intuition and emotion and other times allow our runaway emotions to be soothed by the calm voice of rationality.

Since Campbell is no longer with us to lead us through understanding of myths, we’re left only with this story – one of his stories – to discover The Power of Myth.

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